
Friday, October 31, 2008

Sometime you just know God is looking out for you.

Today was my busy day. This morning I went to chemo for close to four hours. Then Julia and I went back to her house for a while. I have an appetite now so I ate a whole bowl of stew with crackers.

Then we went to radiation at the hospital. While I took my treatment, Julia went to see her sister-in-law Anne who was in the hospital. Anne is beloved by all. She had a heart transplant and was healthy for ten years. Then she suffered a major stroke and has been in bad shape since. Her kidneys have failed so she has to go to dialysis. She is in the hospital for some complication of that.

When I finished I went to find Anne and Julia. The hospital has just opened up a new major wing. It is huge. Anne is in the new wing. At her room a technician was checking her neck circulation with a machine. She said the family were in the waiting room. I walked around a while and finally found Anne' s sister Martha. She said Julia was gone to find me. I waited till she got back. The technician was still with Anne so Julia decided to go home.

After leaving Julia's I stopped at WalMart and bought a few things.

When I got home in my garage, I took the key out, took off my glasses, and reached for my purse. It wasn't there. I looked on the floor and by the seats. No purse. I searched among the bags in the back seat. No purse.

This was terrible. I went in and got information on the credit cards I would need to cancel. Then I left to go to WalMart.

On the way, I remembered something even worse. Last week I had once needed a nausea pill while I was away from home and another time I needed a pain pill. Julia said I needed to start carrying them with me. I thought so too so a bag of pill bottles was in my lost purse. It included a bottle of hydrocodone pain pills and a full bottle of morphine tablets.

At WalMart's parking lot I drove down the row I had parked on to the little cart parking area where I had left the cart. A cart boy was taking the carts. I asked him if he had found a purse. He said no but he would call customer service. He did and they said they had a purse turned in. This was looking better.

I went to customer service where the man asked me to describe it. I said it was maroon and black and had embroidered Faith in Action and James 2:22 on it. He asked my name and if the name would be inside. I said on lots of things.

He left and shortly came back with my purse. I looked inside and everything, money, credit cards, drugs, were there.

Who would have thought that? I wouldn't.

I asked who brought it in but he said they left no name.

I am trying to figure out if this was a sign to me from God. I don't know.

Of course,this is my sister Julia's worse nightmare. She dreams about loosing her purse and wakes up in a panic. She found that if her purse was near to her, she had fewer dreams. At first she just kept it in the room with her. But the dreams progressed so she kept it by her bed. Now the purse is IN the bed with her.

I am glad this happened to me and not Julia. I hope I don't begin having lost purse nightmares.

I'm glad you got your purse back.

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