Monday, September 22, 2008
Today I went in to see Dr. Wright. When I do these things my sister Julia always goes with me. I drive to her house and then she drives my car to where ever we are going. She loves to drive my car, maybe because it is smaller than her two vehicles.
First they drew blood and then Julia and I went into the consulting rooms. Do they call them consulting rooms here? I only know that is what they are called in all English romance novels.
Dr Wright went over all the side effects I have. None are of any consequence except the liver problem. Of course, since George Rodney died of liver problems, it is frightening for my family. I asked about the the severity of the problem. He said some readings are three times normal.. We always must put this in prospective. He said he has patients with readings 10 times normal. Mine are not good but not dangerous.
We talked about pain killers, which are okay for the liver and which are not. It seems the prescription narcotics are not harmful but Tylenol is. I have been taking Tylenol, not a lot, when my pain is just low level. I will stop that.
My current narcotic is mixed with acetaminophen, the ingredient in Tylenol. He gave me a prescription for the narcotic without acetaminophen, but said it would be hard to fill. I took it to Fred's here in Henderson and they could not fill it. Not only did they not have it but it was not on the list of medicines they could order. She suggested I try WalMart or Walgreen's. I will do that tomorrow.
He says the right node is still hard. My interpretation is that Dr. Netterville is right and the cancer is the slow growing kind that is not very susceptible to chemo.The Jackson team thought it was the fast growing kind. I think I would have been lost if I had chosen the Jackson treatment without surgery.
Thank God for Dr. Netterville and for Anne and Ken who pushed me to see him.
I am also anemic. No surprise there, this has been a continuing problem all my life. I got it from Mother. They will now give me a shot of Procrit at each chemo session.
Afterwards I went to the Infusion Lab for a treatment. At first I tried to listen to a book on tape that my friend Nancy Miller had sent me but I grew sleepy and soon just dosed off.
Julia had to watch The Price is Right which was showing on the tvs. She hates the Price is Right.
I hate the Price is Right also, but it does remind me of Mother. She loved this show and I watched it a hundred times with her. When I watch it today I try to see it through her eyes.
The Procrit shot is given through a very thin needle so it was easy. I deserve that since I was stuck three other times today, once in the lab and twice trying to find a line in my hand. My had rarely works.
Afterward Julia and I went to the Books a Million. They did not have the Kids'Chat book I wanted so we didn't buy anything. Then we went to eat at Cracker Barrel.
It was a long day for me. I had to stop at WalMart to buy Ensure and by the time I left, it was 4 o'clock.
Tonight I went up to sister Janice's and ate with she and Keith. We had Keith's favorite foods of pork chops, pinto beand, and homemade French fries. Yum.
Afterward we worked on my phone and tried to recover a picture that John had sent me on Saturday night. Keith found some pictures I had accidentally taken but no pictures from John or anyone else. Is it possible that my phone can make and send pictures but not receive them\?
I talked to John and the picture was of a Mississippi State University that has sat in Lexington for several days. It is now gone. I cannot imagine why the bus was there. There is no college in Lexington that they could be playing. The bus is usually used for ferrying athletic teams to sporting venues.
I want everyone to know that I am feeling pretty good and pretty happy. I love all of you.
First they drew blood and then Julia and I went into the consulting rooms. Do they call them consulting rooms here? I only know that is what they are called in all English romance novels.
Dr Wright went over all the side effects I have. None are of any consequence except the liver problem. Of course, since George Rodney died of liver problems, it is frightening for my family. I asked about the the severity of the problem. He said some readings are three times normal.. We always must put this in prospective. He said he has patients with readings 10 times normal. Mine are not good but not dangerous.
We talked about pain killers, which are okay for the liver and which are not. It seems the prescription narcotics are not harmful but Tylenol is. I have been taking Tylenol, not a lot, when my pain is just low level. I will stop that.
My current narcotic is mixed with acetaminophen, the ingredient in Tylenol. He gave me a prescription for the narcotic without acetaminophen, but said it would be hard to fill. I took it to Fred's here in Henderson and they could not fill it. Not only did they not have it but it was not on the list of medicines they could order. She suggested I try WalMart or Walgreen's. I will do that tomorrow.
He says the right node is still hard. My interpretation is that Dr. Netterville is right and the cancer is the slow growing kind that is not very susceptible to chemo.The Jackson team thought it was the fast growing kind. I think I would have been lost if I had chosen the Jackson treatment without surgery.
Thank God for Dr. Netterville and for Anne and Ken who pushed me to see him.
I am also anemic. No surprise there, this has been a continuing problem all my life. I got it from Mother. They will now give me a shot of Procrit at each chemo session.
Afterwards I went to the Infusion Lab for a treatment. At first I tried to listen to a book on tape that my friend Nancy Miller had sent me but I grew sleepy and soon just dosed off.
Julia had to watch The Price is Right which was showing on the tvs. She hates the Price is Right.
I hate the Price is Right also, but it does remind me of Mother. She loved this show and I watched it a hundred times with her. When I watch it today I try to see it through her eyes.
The Procrit shot is given through a very thin needle so it was easy. I deserve that since I was stuck three other times today, once in the lab and twice trying to find a line in my hand. My had rarely works.
Afterward Julia and I went to the Books a Million. They did not have the Kids'Chat book I wanted so we didn't buy anything. Then we went to eat at Cracker Barrel.
It was a long day for me. I had to stop at WalMart to buy Ensure and by the time I left, it was 4 o'clock.
Tonight I went up to sister Janice's and ate with she and Keith. We had Keith's favorite foods of pork chops, pinto beand, and homemade French fries. Yum.
Afterward we worked on my phone and tried to recover a picture that John had sent me on Saturday night. Keith found some pictures I had accidentally taken but no pictures from John or anyone else. Is it possible that my phone can make and send pictures but not receive them\?
I talked to John and the picture was of a Mississippi State University that has sat in Lexington for several days. It is now gone. I cannot imagine why the bus was there. There is no college in Lexington that they could be playing. The bus is usually used for ferrying athletic teams to sporting venues.
I want everyone to know that I am feeling pretty good and pretty happy. I love all of you.
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