
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Ruckers came to stay a while this weekend.

Ken had business in Memphis so they went there and then came to my house on Sunday morning.

George, Adam, and Emma have all slimmed down. Adam wears a size 8 and George and Emma wear size 7 slim. Emma and George each say they are the thinnest but Ken insists he is the slimmest. Anne says she can think of no part of his body that is the thinnest.

I called Julia and she came down in her Hummer. The kids and Ken rode with her to the nursing home and Anne rode with me. We took Mother outside and had a good visit.

Back at home, we played some games that I had bought at garage sales. Remember pictionary? We played that. Once Emma's word was children. She did a good job of drawing a lot of children's faces but we did not do a good job of guessing. We kept saying things like class, family, etc. Then George guessed "angry mob" and we all laughed so that we had to quit.

Emma liked a solitary game called something mosaics. It consists of colored plastic pieces that you put together in patterns. I enjoy doing it myself.

Sunday night we went to the movie in Henderson. I had a hard time keeping them here until time to go. Five minutes is enough time to get there.

Anne and Ken had looked the movie up on the internet to find out that it was suitable for children. I wish they had found out that it was not suitable for me.

The movie was Nachos Libre, absolutely the worst movie I have seen in my 60 years. There were ugly people, ugly scenery, and ugly interiors. I just did not like those people. I was only saved by the fact that I dozed off twice.

The kids liked it but they put it third for the summer behind Garfield II and Cars. I couldn't believe that Anne and Ken laughed but they did.

Ken left Monday morning to go back to Memphis.

We had started cooking on Sunday and we continued on Monday. We cooked more peanut butter cookies. They can practically cook by themselves. For example, they can crack eggs. The fun with the cookies was using forks to make the cross marks before baking.

We also made baked apples with a cinnamon oatmeal filling.

It was a day of playing for us. The big deal is that I took a garden hose, turned the water on, and let it run on the ground off the deck. The kids used digging instruments to make rivers, islands, and houses. they had a great muddy time. Then they started throwing the mud at each other and had even more fun.

They were so dirty. And my camera did not work. Drats. I hosed them off outside and then sent them to the showers.

Back inside they found they could lean over the balcony and reach the blades of the ceiling fan over the living room. They put their stuffed animals on the blades and then gave them rides, slinging them off.

Ken thought he would get back late but he settled the case and we met him for supper at Catfish Cabin in Jackson. After supper we loaded all their stuff into their SUV and they left to go back home.

I thought it was a wonderful movie. It was funny but not very intellectual. I have to admit that I am still thinking about some of the lines days later and laughing about it.
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